NYSWYSA Position on Headgear

On November 15, 2004 a memorandum from the Acting NYSWYSA President was sent to all clubs and leagues to inform the membership exactly what happened to cause the stir concerning protective headgear and to bring everyone up to date.  On November 21, 2004 a position statement was presented to the membership at the NYSWYSA Annual General Meeting (AGM). That position statement was revised and approved by the membership.
On November 15, 2004 a memorandum from the Acting NYSWYSA President was sent to all clubs and leagues to inform the membership exactly what happened to cause the stir concerning protective headgear and to bring everyone up to date. On November 21, 2004 a position statement was presented to the membership at the NYSWYSA Annual General Meeting (AGM). That position statement was revised and approved by the membership.

It is true that on September 18, 2004 the NYSWYSA Board of Directors (BOD) did approve a motion to mandate protective headgear for players under the age of 14. It became immediately clear this decision should not have been made at the State level. A proposal of that magnitude should have been brought to the membership (member clubs and leagues) for approval. In a conference call later in the month the NYSWYSA BOD determined the decision to be inappropriate and invalid. Although an announcement of the mandate was never made, word quickly spread. For a number of reasons, a simple correction had quickly become complicated. The finalization of the solution was further delayed because the individual working on the problem took ill.

Throughout this ordeal our sponsor since March of 2004, FULL90 Sports Inc., has been gracious in allowing us to sort out this issue. In addition to accepting our newest position on the use of protective headgear, they are working with us to craft a new marketing agreement.

The opinions of people at the NYSWYSA BOD meeting on September 18th, in regard to protective headgear, were diverse. It has become very clear that the opinions of club and league leaders, in regard to protective headgear, are also diverse. Protective headgear has become a hot topic, both pro and con, in the media.

The position taken by the NYSWYSA and its membership as a result of the AGM approval is sound and responsible. As the NYSWYSA position statement indicates it is highly recommended that parents seek as much information as possible in regard to protective headgear such as FULL90 Sports, Inc. for their children.

NYSWYSA FULL90 Position Statement

The NYSWYSA is concerned about the safety of its players and strongly recommends that all of its member parents examine the protection that headgear like Full90, Sports Inc. can offer against potential head injuries. To facilitate this, the NYSWYSA has asked Full90, Sports Inc. to share all relevant information. The NYSWYSA Board of Directors also strongly recommends all parents try to gather as much other relevant information as possible in order to make a decision that is in the best interest of their children. However, the NYSWYSA will NOT mandate the wearing of protective headgear, unless it is first approved by its member clubs and leagues, and it is permitted to do so by its National or Regional bodies.