2004 Board of Directors
2004 was a tumultous year for the board of directors of NYSW. Long time President Tony Buniskis resigned and as he moved on to join the US Youth Soccer National Board of Directors in the position of national secretary in July. 1st Vice President of NYSW, Gary Acker, stepped in to fill the role of the state association President. Due to health issues, Mr. Acker’s term as President was short lived and he resigned in October that year. This then pushed the 2nd Vice President, Bob Sokolinsky to fill the role as President. By the end of the year the board of directors was comprised of the following people:
President - Bob Sokolinsky
1st Vice President - open
2nd Vice President - Matt Dimas
Treasurer - Susan Gurak
Secretary - Suzanne Messina
State Registrar - Tim Mellander
Executive Director - Omer Doron
Binghamton Commissioner - Kevin Arnold
Buffalo Commissioner - Roger Jank
Rochester Commissioner - Roger Best
Syracuse Commissioner - Kevin Perrigo
Southern Tier Commissioner - open
Twin Tiers Commissioner - Dan Watson
TOPSoccer - Teresa Doermer
Recretional Soccer - Larry Evarts
OPD Administrator - Dave Matthews
Director of Coaching - Glenn Buckley