12. Order of Business
12. Order of Business
The order of business at all meetings of members shall be as follows:
- Credentials report
- Approval of the minutes of the previous AGM
- Reports of committees
- Reports of officers
- Unfinished business
- New business
- 6.1 Bylaw Amendment Proposals
- 6.2 Budget resolution
- 6.3 Election of Officers
- Good and welfare
- Adjournment
The Annual Budget Resolution to be considered by the membership shall be presented in the following form: "Be it resolved that the budget adopted by the Board of Directors for the fiscal year commenced September 1, ____ [the same year as the date of the AGM] is hereby ratified and approved."
The action of the membership on the Annual Budget Resolution shall be advisory only. In the event of failure of the resolution, the Corporation shall continue to operate on the final budget adopted by the BOD. The President shall forthwith appoint an ad hoc Budget Review Committee consisting of the President and one person selected from each district, none of which appointees (other than the President) shall be members of the BOD. The Budget Review Committee shall be responsible to report to the BOD, not later than 60 days following its formation, such recommended budget revisions, if any, as it determines to be advisable.
The BOD may accept or reject the recommendations of the Budget Review Committee in whole or in part as it determines to be in the best interests of the Corporation.