NYSWYSA's SafeSport Reporting Procedures

NYSWYSA's SafeSport Reporting Procedures

Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policy
U.S. Soccer’s  MAAPP policy, approved by the Center for SafeSport, is contained in the Safe Soccer Framework and can be found online here:  www.safesoccer.com.  U.S. Soccer’s Policy 212-3, which establishes prohibited conduct policy and MAAPP requirements for amateur organization members, is on pp. 46-49 of the Safe Soccer Framework.  Finally, model prevention policies to assist organization members in satisfying the Center’s  MAAPP requirements are contained in Appendix A of the Safe Soccer Framework.


NYSWYSA’s Reporting Procedures

The NYSWYSA Reporting procedures provide a mechanism that allows a complaint to be easily reported for a reasonable suspicion of Sexual or Physical abuse/neglect, within a 24 hour period of awareness. Any allegation of child abuse must be reported to the Center for SafeSport, local law enforcement, and/or child and family services, depending upon your state.  Any allegation of sexual misconduct, regardless of the age of the parties involved, must also be reported to the Center.  EVERYONE IS A MANDATORY REPORTER.


Mechanism for Reporting – (Everyone listed below MUST be contacted when physical or sexual abuse is suspected)

  1. Local Law Enforcement Number (posted on club website and given to athletes and parents)
  2. Local Child Protective Services Number (posted on club website and given to athletes and parents)
  3. New York State – Office of Children and Family Services (800-342-3720)
  4. Club Risk Manager Contact Information (every club should have a point person for reporting)
  5. NYSWYSA Risk Management – riskmanagement@nyswysa.org
  6. National Governing Body (NGB)


Other forms of misconduct such as emotional abuse, bullying, hazing, or harassment.

  1. Club Risk Manager Contact Information (every club should have a point person for reporting)
  2. Club or BOD Review/Hearing – There should be a process in policy to document and address this other misconduct.  The decision of the Club or BOD should be sent to the State Executive Director.
  3. NYSWYSA Risk Management – riskmanagement@nyswysa.org

An individual who is required, but fails, to report suspected child sexual abuse is subject to criminal penalties including fines and up to one (1) year in jail.